Beaumont Tashjian Law Blog

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Solar Energy Systems: What Can an Association Do to Best Protect the Community?

In recent years, the laws governing homeowners’ installation of Solar Energy Systems, or “SES” have been updated in order to address evolving technology and the increasing popularity of solar panels.  Under California Civil Code Section 714(a), owners’ associations are barred from adopting any regulations, restrictions or covenants that effectively prohibit the installation or use of a SES.  Any such restrictions are deemed “void and unenforceable” as a matter of law.

However, this does not mean that associations are unable to regulate the installation of SES in their community. Civil Code Section 714(b) allows associations to impose “reasonable” restrictions on the installation of SES.  “Reasonable” restrictions are those defined as “restrictions that do not significantly increase the cost of the system or significantly decrease its efficiency or specified performance, or that allow for an alternative system of comparable cost, efficiency, and energy conservation benefits.”

With SES installations come a variety of concerns. These concerns can include risk of property damage, as well as roof access, workmanship, conformity with legal requirements, protecting existing building improvements, protecting existing roof warranties and effecting repairs – especially with respect to an association’s ability to repair common area roofs and building components that may be covered by SES installations.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

COVID-19: Reopening the Common Facilities Per Los Angeles County’s

As of May 26, 2020, Los Angeles County has issued a revised Order, also referred to as a “Resilience Roadmap,” to safely reopening various facilities within the County, in conjunction with the State Health Officer’s Orders. Of significance to your community association are the following:

  • People leaving their residences are still required to wear cloth face coverings;
  • Recreational sites, such as fitness centers, children’s playgrounds and movie theaters, must still remain closed;
  • All events and gatherings remain prohibited;
  • Homeowners association pools may be opened;
  • Outdoor recreation activities at parks, trails, beaches and other open spaces are permitted, subject to “Social (Physical) Distancing”;
  • Shared outdoor facilities are permitted to be used, subject to Social (Physical) Distancing, such as tennis and pickleball courts, model airplane areas, community gardens, bike parks and equestrian centers.

With this said, “Social (Physical) Distancing” remains defined as: a) maintaining six (6)-feet of physical distance from individuals who are not members of the same household; b) frequently washing hands with soap and water for at least twenty (20) seconds, or using hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol; c) wearing a cloth face covering when in contact with others who do not live in the same household; and d) avoiding all physical interaction outside the household when sick with a fever or cough, except for necessary medical care.

Significantly, based on Los Angeles County’s most recent guidance, community association boards and managers may begin to implement plans for reopening certain common area facilities as described above, including pools. But note, boards should continue to consult with legal counsel and factor in the demographics of the community as well as the feasibility of ensuring Social (Physical) Distancing, prior to making any decision on reopening.
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Thursday, May 14, 2020

COVID-19 Pandemic Aftermath: Re-Opening the Common Facilities

It is no secret that the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has thrusted our community into the throes of an unprecedented situation, forcing community leaders to make timely, sweeping, and in many cases, inconvenient decisions. 

On the heels of California Governor Gavin Newsom’s Executive Order N-33-20, which ordered all California residents to stay at home and practice safe social distancing to help “flatten the curve,” many managers and board members worked together to take immediate action and heed the directives of public health officials. This included effectively shutting down access to all association common facilities, such as fitness centers, parks, pools and spas, screening rooms, etc. 

As we have progressed through the pandemic and seen some state and local municipality officials suggest re-opening certain aspects of society to the public, community association residents may be taking note, wondering when their common area facilities will re-open as well. Re-opening facilities may be of particular concern, in light of the impending summer weather.

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Monday, April 27, 2020

Preparing for the Aftermath of COVID-19

As we continue to adjust to social distancing practices and strive toward pushing forward with operations in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to consider what issues, questions and concerns may arise in the coming weeks when California's Stay at Home and other similar orders are lifted. Although orders may be lifted in the coming weeks, some form of social distancing is expected, recommended and may even be required to prevent another similar outbreak. With that said, associations should consider how to mitigate the possible transmission of the virus once orders are lifted and how to ease back into "normal" operations. We recommend adopting policies and procedures for post-quarantine operations in the community.

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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding COVID-19

During this challenging time, we understand that many of us are adjusting to modified work arrangements in light of the Governor’s Executive “Stay at Home” Order. Although Beaumont Tashjian is also working on a modified basis, we remain fully operational, and are available via phone and email to answer any questions. We have also continued to monitor the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, as well as the recommendations from federal, state and local agencies as this fluid matter changes on a daily basis.

Our recommendations will continue to change as we learn new information, but we want to take some time to answer questions you may have and provide reliable guidance and support regarding this unprecedented matter to ensure the health, safety and welfare of our clients. The following recommendations regarding association operations are based on the most recent directives from the federal and state agencies, as of the time this article was written, but are subject to change as this matter evolves. Rest assured, we will continue to keep our clients up to speed accordingly.

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Friday, March 20, 2020

COVID-19 Update & Commitment to Our Clients

The Coronavirus pandemic has affected many lives across the globe, with new challenges arising at any moment, and many lives changed forever. Our hearts and prayers are with those personally impacted by the virus around the world, including all emergency medical providers and others caring for those who are ill.

We are reaching out to you, our clients, our colleagues, our friends to assure you that at Beaumont Tashjian, we are monitoring COVID-19 closely and are working to ensure we meet the needs of our clients as well as provide for the health and safety of our employees during these tough times. We realize this health situation has affected many businesses and individuals and would like to inform you about the actions we are taking to support both our clients and employees.

As part of these efforts, and to ensure we continue to serve our clients' needs 24/7, we have taken specific steps as part of our business continuity plan.

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Friday, February 21, 2020

The Coronavirus, Flu and What You Can Do

As of the time this article is written, documented cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) are 90,000 worldwide, and counting, with over 3,000 deaths. These numbers pale in comparison to the flu, which kills an estimated 250,000 to 500,000 people worldwide each year. With this in mind, community association leaders can and should take extra precautions to protect themselves and their communities.

First, associations can use this as an opportunity to connect with their members and residents, through weekly newsletters, emails, flyers or common area postings, updating them about the virus, notifying them of any reported incidences in the community at large, and if necessary, informing them that there may be an immediate threat to the community. Boards and managers should also begin directing vendors and cleaning staff to focus frequently on particularly high-traffic common areas (gym, clubhouse, pool, sauna), which may be more susceptible to harboring the virus or other germs. Installation of hand sanitizer dispensers or wipes in these locations is also recommended.

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Friday, January 17, 2020

CACM Southern California Law Seminar & Expo

Senior Partner, Jeffrey A. Beaumont, Esq. and Partner, Lisa A. Tashjian, Esq., have been requested to speak at the 2020 CACM Southern California Law seminar & Expo

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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

CAI-CLAC 2020 Legislative Days at the Capitol

Senior Partner, Jeffrey A. Beaumont, Esq. will be attending the CAI-CLAC Legislative Days at the Capitol on March 30 and 31.  CALC needs a strong showing in Sacramento to meet with our Legislators to discuss the importance of our agenda for 2020. Please plan to be in Sacramento this March! Sponsorship opportunities and attendee registration can be found on the event page at 
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Sunday, January 12, 2020

2020 CACM Northern California Law Seminar & Expo

Senior Partner, Jeffrey A. Beaumont, Esq. and Partner, Lisa A. Tashjian, have been requested to speak at the 2020 CACM Northern California Law seminar & Expo at the Santa Clara Convention Center on February 6th. Mr.

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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Accessory Dwelling Units: How Association’s Governing Documents are Impacted by AB 670

In 2017, legislation was passed, making accessory dwelling units legal in California.  However, strict permitting regulations previously made accessory dwelling units difficult and expensive to construct. Recently, a number of bills were passed, making the process to construct accessory dwelling units easier and more affordable.

Effective January 1, 2020, an association’s governing documents may not prohibit or unreasonably restrict the construction or use of an accessory dwelling unit. Specifically, Assembly Bill 670 (AB 670) voids any provision of an association’s covenants, conditions and restrictions or rules and regulations that prohibit the construction of an accessory dwelling unit on a lot zoned for single-family residential use. 

The California Legislature passed this bill in response to California’s affordable housing shortage. AB 670 is intended to encourage owners to convert and/or construct additional living spaces within their property by removing the many obstacles that previously hindered the process of building accessory dwelling units.  The Legislature did so by reducing permitting fees, minimizing setback and lot size requirements, and eliminating parking requirements.

While associations may not effectively prohibit accessory dwelling units, they are permitted to adopt “reasonable restrictions”, which is defined to mean restrictions that do not unreasonably increase the cost to construct, effectively prohibit the construction of, or extinguish the ability to otherwise construct, an accessory dwelling unit or junior accessory dwelling unit.

An “Accessory Dwelling Unit” (ADU) means an attached or a detached residential dwelling unit that provides complete independent living facilities for one or more persons and is located on a lot with a proposed or existing primary residence. It also includes permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation on the same parcel as the single-family or multifamily dwelling is situated. A “Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit” (JADU) is a unit that is no more than 500 square feet in size and contained entirely within a single-family residence. A JADU can include separate sanitation facilities or may share sanitation facilities with the existing structure.

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