Beaumont Tashjian Law Blog

Thursday, August 18, 2016

CAI Legal Forum & CLAC Benefit Fundraiser

BGT Partner Jeffrey Beaumont has been selected to speak at the 2016 CAI Legal Forum on October 21st in Indian Wells, CA.  He will co-present, "I Can't Believe You Said That! Community Association Liability." BGT is also a proud main event sponsor of The 2016 California Legislative Action Committee Benefit Fundraiser hosted in conjunction with the Legal Forum.  For more information and to register, click here: Read more . . .

Thursday, August 18, 2016

CAI-National M-204 Community Governance

BGT Partner Jeffrey Beaumont has been requested to present at CAI-National's M-204 Community Governance course in Atlanta, Georgia on September 22nd and 23rd.  The two-day course covers the legal basis of community rules, policies and procedures.  For more information and to register, click here:

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Monday, July 18, 2016

Neighbor to Neighbor Disputes: Turning Lemons into Lemonade

By Lisa A. Tashjian, Esq.

Published in the CAI-Channel Islands Chapter's Channels of Communication
2016 2nd Quarter Magazine 

Boards are continually faced with trying to turn lemons into lemonade. The most common “lemons” boards are faced with are neighbor-to neighbor disputes. What should boards do when faced with these types of owner disputes which are never pleasant and almost always adversarial?  Does the Board of Directors have a duty to step in and, if so, what authority does it have to act in such situations? How does the Board make lemonade from these lemons?

Many neighbor-to-neighbor disputes arise from smoking complaints and noise violations.   Owners often complain when smoke, loud music or other noise emanates into their units from a neighbor, either through the interior of the units, common areas, or exclusive use common areas, such as patios and balconies.  The board’s duty to act in these types of situations depends on the specific provisions contained in the association’s governing documents and the specific facts regarding each violation.  Each is unique, and each should be analyzed separately. If these matters are not resolved at the inception they can escalate exposing the association to liability.

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Friday, July 1, 2016

The Real Cost of “No Cost Collection”

By Calvin S. Rose, Esq. and Tracy R. Neal Esq.

Published in the CAI-Greater Inland Empire Chapter's
Connect 2016 2nd Quarter Magazine 

The “no cost collection” model has come under attack in recent years, culminating most recently in the collection case, Hanson v. JQD, LLC d/b/a Pro Solutions, (N.D. Cal., 2014) (“Hanson v. Pro Solutions”). California community associations and the common interest development industry at large have watched this case unfold, beginning with a homeowner filing a lawsuit against a assessment collection services provider, and culminating in takeaways that will undoubtedly resonate throughout California.

Assessments have been termed the “lifeblood” of an association. Assessments are the sole source of income for associations, from which association expenses are paid, including daily operating expenses to common area maintenance and repairs. Boards have a fiduciary duty to levy and collect assessments. Like most businesses, community associations and the boards that run the day-to-day business of an association, seek out services at the best price, which in some cases may mean the lowest price.  As a result, delinquent assessment collection services at no cost have appealed to community associations as they are non-profit corporations operating on a zero budget. Hanson v. Pro Solutions, however, has shown the potential real cost of “no cost collection”.

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Thursday, June 30, 2016

CAI-Orange County Regional Chapter Symposium & Expo

BGT will be participating in the CAI-Orange County Regional Chapter’s Annual Symposium and Expo on June 30th at the Irvine Marriott.  The half day event will feature education sessions and a trade show.  For more information and to register, please visit:
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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

CAI-Channel Islands Chapter Dinner and Educational Programs

BGT Associate Tara Radley will be presenting “From Good to Great: Running Your Community Effectively & Efficiently” for two CAI-Channel Islands Chapter’s Dinner and Educational Workshops on June 7th in Oxnard and on June 16th in Pismo Beach.
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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

CAI-OC PCAM Reception

BGT is honored to sponsor and congratulate the newest CAI-OC Chapter managers to earn their Professional Community Association Manager (PCAM) designation and celebrate all of the Chapter's managers who have achieved a PCAM designation.  The annual reception will be held on June 14th at the Mission Viejo Country Club. 

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

CAI-Orange County Regional Chapter May Luncheon

BGT is pleased to sponsor a manager’s table at the May CAI-Orange County Regional Chapter’s Luncheon, “Supercharge Your Community: Advances in Solar Power Systems” at the Irvine Marriott on May 26th.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

CAI-Greater Los Angeles Chapter Educational Evening for HOA Boards and Managers

BGT are sponsors of a special educational evening for HOA Board and Managers in Pasadena on May 24th.  The event will focus on CC&Rs v. Rules v. Policies.
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Monday, May 23, 2016

Be Prepared: New Law Shifts Repair & Replacement Burden, Unless Otherwise Provided by the CC&Rs

Section 4775 of the Civil Code currently holds associations responsible for maintaining, repairing, and replacing common areas while owners are responsible for maintaining their units and any attached exclusive use common areas, unless the community's governing documents state otherwise. However, the current law fails to delineate whether associations or owners are responsible for the repairs and replacements of exclusive use common areas if the community's governing documents do not clearly establish same. In trying to clarify the current code's language, the legislature recently passed Assembly Bill No. 968 to amend Section 4775.

Effective January 1, 2017, associations will be responsible for maintaining, repairing, and replacing the common areas and repairing and replacing the exclusive use common areas while the owners of each unit are responsible for maintaining, repairing, and replacing their units and merely maintaining the exclusive use common areas, unless the community's CC&Rs provide otherwise.

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Monday, May 23, 2016

CAI-Greater Los Angeles Chapter San Fernando Valley Marketplace

BGT will be exhibiting at the CAI-Greater Los Angeles Chapter’s “Havana Nights” Marketplace at the Hilton in Woodland Hills on June 9th.

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