Congratulations to BT senior partner, Jeff Beaumont Esq., who was nominated as Speaker of the Year for the CAI-Channel Islands Chapter. Jeff was nominated for his program "HOA Legal Q&A With An Interactive Twist".
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Monday, August 2, 2021

The Los Angeles Homelessness Crisis: How the City’s New Anti-Camping Law Impacts Your Community

The homelessness crisis in Los Angeles is impossible to ignore. While it seems that over the years, the crisis has become embedded into the fabric of the City’s culture, with encampments such as Skid Row becoming household names, legislators and local leaders have continued to grapple with solving, or at least mitigating exacerbation of the situation. It’s also no secret that this hot button issue has left community association boards and managers wondering, “What is the City doing to help?”

This question is more relevant than ever, given the pandemic’s impact on homelessness over the last year alone. As of the date of this letter, the State of California reports the highest homeless population by far, according to the U.S.

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Monday, June 7, 2021


As you have heard, effective June 15th, the State of California and Governor Newsom have confirmed that restrictions and protocols related to the pandemic have been lifted. This means that counties are no longer placed into “tiers” based upon their COVID-19 case rates and hospitalizations, and very limited mitigation measures are in place. Specifically, there are “no restrictions” for capacity or physical distancing, with respect to most venues. In other words, the association’s fitness center, clubhouse, swimming pool area, etc. may reopen fully, without limitations.

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Friday, May 26, 2017

June 15 and August 3 CAI-Channel Islands Chapter Programs

BGT Senior Partner Jeffrey A. Beaumont, Esq. will be co-speaking with Dennis Brooks of Design Build Associates for the CAI-Channel Islands Chapter Pismo Program on June 15th and Thousand Oaks Dinner on August 3rd. Their topic is on “Maintenance, Contracts & Contractors: Beyond the Basics.” For more information and to register, visit Read more . . .

Monday, July 18, 2016

Neighbor to Neighbor Disputes: Turning Lemons into Lemonade

By Lisa A. Tashjian, Esq.

Published in the CAI-Channel Islands Chapter's Channels of Communication
2016 2nd Quarter Magazine 

Boards are continually faced with trying to turn lemons into lemonade. The most common “lemons” boards are faced with are neighbor-to neighbor disputes. What should boards do when faced with these types of owner disputes which are never pleasant and almost always adversarial?  Does the Board of Directors have a duty to step in and, if so, what authority does it have to act in such situations? How does the Board make lemonade from these lemons?

Many neighbor-to-neighbor disputes arise from smoking complaints and noise violations.   Owners often complain when smoke, loud music or other noise emanates into their units from a neighbor, either through the interior of the units, common areas, or exclusive use common areas, such as patios and balconies.  The board’s duty to act in these types of situations depends on the specific provisions contained in the association’s governing documents and the specific facts regarding each violation.  Each is unique, and each should be analyzed separately. If these matters are not resolved at the inception they can escalate exposing the association to liability.

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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

CAI-Channel Islands Chapter Dinner and Educational Programs

BGT Associate Tara Radley will be presenting “From Good to Great: Running Your Community Effectively & Efficiently” for two CAI-Channel Islands Chapter’s Dinner and Educational Workshops on June 7th in Oxnard and on June 16th in Pismo Beach.
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Friday, May 20, 2016

CAI California Common Interest Development Law Course

BGT Partner Lisa Tashjian will be presenting at CAI’s California Common Interest Development Law Course. The one-day workshop will be held at The Wilshire in Los Angeles on May 20th.  The CID Law Course is the most comprehensive legal course available for professionals managing community associations. Participants are provided with a comprehensive review of California and Federal laws affecting community associations including the Davis-Stirling-Act, California Corporations Code, Common Interest Law and specifics relating to common interest developments. 

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Saturday, April 16, 2016

CAI-Channel Islands Chapter Board Leadership Development Workshop

BGT associate Tara Radley will present at the CAI-Channel Islands Chapter’s “Board Leadership Development Workshop”.  Tara will give a Common Interest Development Overview, discuss Board member responsibilities and fiduciary duties, and go over rule enforcement.
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Thursday, March 31, 2016

CAI-Channel Islands Chapter Community Faire

BGT is pleased to sponsor and participate in the CAI-Channel Islands Chapter’s “Spring Fling” Community Faire at The Embassy Suites at Mandalay Beach in Oxnard on March 31st.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

CAI-Channel Islands Chapter Manager’s Luncheon

BGT is pleased to sponsor the CAI-CIC’s Manager’s Luncheon, “#Now Trending:  Trending Topics on the “HOA twitter-verse,” at the Oxnard Marriott on March 8th.
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